Growing Together.

Our mission is to support and enhance the lives of students through inspiring acts of kindness within our community.

Who are we?

The BH-BL Giving Tree, Inc is a 509(a)(2) public charity nonprofit organization that helps foster community outreach for strengthening student equality within the Burnt-Hills Ballston Lake School District.

How did we start?

After a discussion with the BH-BL School District, we were informed that there is a huge need in our community to provide extra financial support to students. Thus far, teachers and staff have been contributing to the foundation, but with the help of businesses, parents, and our community as a whole, we believe we can all make even more of an impact!

Who benefits from us?

100% of the proceeds raised are distributed to students in need throughout the BH-BL district. Our efforts will help give students better access to: clothes, sporting equipment, scholarships, extracurricular expenses, holiday gifts, school supplies, and more!


Stay in touch with us and get involved!

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© 2023 BH-BL Giving Tree Foundation, Inc. | 842 Saratoga Road, Burnt Hills, NY 12027

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